ACAMS - Certificate Details - Sanctions Compliance Foundations - Desktop

Sanctions Compliance Foundations

Course format: self-paced online

    Course Content

    ACAMS sanctions compliance training is developed by our team of global subject-matter experts and combines key sanctions principles with practical examples.


    The Sanctions Compliance Foundations course covers important introductory topics, enabling participants to understand the background of sanctions – their origins and the legal frameworks that support them – and how they work in practice in different jurisdictions. We will introduce you to major sanctions regimes, including the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom regimes.


    This course provides an overview of what an effective sanctions compliance program looks like. Course content introduces you to how organizations can mitigate sanctions risks, and what can be done when the risks emerge.


    Throughout the course, we use real-life case examples from a variety of organizations to help you understand how sanctions work in practice. As you work through the course, you’ll have opportunities to test your knowledge before you complete the final assessment and earn your certificate.



    You will learn:

    • How sanctions are created and enforced
    • The different sanctions types, their targets, and exceptions
    • The jurisdictional reach of sanctions and to whom the concept applies
    • How violations happen and how to prevent them
    • What a robust sanctions compliance program looks like
    • How to conduct sanctions due diligence
    • What sanctions screening is and how it is applied
    • How to investigate and report sanctions breaches
    Closeup of woman holding stacks of documents at her desk


    Prices are subject to local tax.

    ACAMS 会员






    享受优惠的团体定价,增强您整个团队的 AFC 反金融犯罪专业知识。我们的业务解决方案是为各种规模和预算的组织专业定制的。了解我们如何满足您的培训需求,请查看这里

    Intended audience

    Sanctions Compliance Foundations is ideal for professionals who are new to the field and are looking for introductory sanctions compliance training, including:

    Confident man in business casual attire working on his laptop at home
    Businessman working by himself on a laptop

    Course structure

    • Four hours of online learning
    • Course available on desktop or mobile (and most other devices)
    • Complete at your own pace
    • Pass a short final assessment to receive your ACAMS Sanctions Compliance Foundations certificate
    • Results available immediately


    How long is the ACAMS Sanctions Compliance Foundations certificate valid for?
    Is the sanctions compliance program only offered in English?
    Are there any case studies or real-life examples included in the training?
    What format is the final assessment in?
    Can I access study materials after the course is finished?
    How often is the Sanctions Compliance Foundations course updated to reflect industry best practices?
    Is the certificate for this course recognized internationally?
    Sanctions Space Banner - Desktop
