Course Content
The Financial Crime Typologies Intermediate Certificate has been developed by global subject matter experts, pulling examples from many countries and contexts.
Taking this course will help you identify and tackle a wide range of financial crimes. You’ll learn about the money laundering typologies associated with organized crime, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and environmental crime. The course also covers other AML typologies including those for terrorist financing, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) proliferation, and cyber-enabled financial crimes.
You will learn how:
- Certain products and customers could be used for financial crime
- Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction are financed
- Criminal organizations and human, animal, and drug trafficking rings conduct their operations
- Cyber criminals exploit businesses and individuals using malware, ransomware, and dark markets
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Precios para Grupos
Acceda a precios preferenciales para grupos y mejore la experiencia de su equipo en materia de Lucha contra los Delitos Financieros (AFC). Nuestras soluciones empresariales están diseñadas para organizaciones de todos los tamaños y presupuestos. Descubra cómo podemos satisfacer sus necesidades de capacitación aquí.