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Fraud Foundations

Course format: self-paced online

    Fraud Foundations Certificate Course Content

    This foundational fraud prevention and detection training course has been written by global subject matter experts, pulling examples from many countries and contexts. It is designed to give participants a practical understanding of the best practices for combatting fraud in their organization, evidenced by a fraud certificate upon completion of the course.

    Key course topics:

    • Characteristics of fraud and its consequences
    • Risks associated with fraud and the importance of a risk-based approach
    • Common fraud typologies and the red flags associated with them
    • Developing an anti-fraud program
    • Implementing controls to prevent fraud
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    Precios para Grupos

    Acceda a precios preferenciales para grupos y mejore la experiencia de su equipo en materia de Lucha contra los Delitos Financieros (AFC). Nuestras soluciones empresariales están diseñadas para organizaciones de todos los tamaños y presupuestos. Descubra cómo podemos satisfacer sus necesidades de capacitación aquí.

    Who is this course for?

    The ACAMS Fraud Foundations Certificate is suitable for anyone looking to become a certified fraud professional, as well as those interested in financial fraud prevention courses in order to better understand and limit the risks of fraud in their organization. This includes:

    • Compliance officers
    • Risk managers
    • Fraud managers
    • Fraud analysts
    • Investigation officers
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    Fraud certificate online course structure:

    • Online and self-paced
    • Four hours of coursework
    • Complete within four weeks
    • 20-question final assessment
    • Results available immediately


    Are there any prerequisites needed before taking this course?
    What languages is the Fraud Foundations course offered in?