As a Partner for Russia & CIS, Nabi contributes to wide-ranging Control Risks’ analysis of processes and actors influencing political, operational and security environments in Russia and the country’s relations with its neighbours and key global players. A specialist in policy analysis and communications, Nabi speaks at policy and academic forums and writes on behalf of the company in international media and academic publications. Prior to joining Control Risks, Nabi was the editor-in-chief of The Moscow Times, an English-language daily newspaper in Russia, where he had previously been a political and security writer for many years. He also headed the Foreign-Language Information Service at Russia’s major RIA Novosti news agency. Nabi has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, where he studied negotiation and conflict resolution. A native Russian speaker, he also has a degree in construction engineering. Nabi manages client projects related to Russia & CIS and supports Control Risks’ research and marketing initiatives. Some of his recent projects include: A multi-level assessment of political, business and integrity risks of investing into a major Russian state energy corporation for a large international investment fund. Advising an international insurance company on mitigating risk strategies in dealing with Russian state corporations with strong ties to political leadership and security establishment. An investigation of political ties of a member of Russian Forbes’ list and an analytical assessment of his influence on regional politics in his native Russian province.