ACAMS Netherlands Chapter: Illegal Wildlife Trafficking – an Increasing AML Priority

septiembre 15, 2020
3:00PM - 4:00PM
1 ACAMS Credit


Illegal Wildlife Trafficking is an increasing AML priority, therefore FATF has dedicated its last report from June 2020 on the subject with numerous ramifications for anti-money laundering specialists.


During the webinar Ms.Winny Weinbeck, an SME from ABN AMRO, will explain what is Illegal Wildlife Trafficking (IWT) and the 3 phases in which these activities take place. Winny will also list the risk indicators that are associated with this financial crime and provide some tips how financial institutions can address this in their ML solutions to contribute in the global efforts fighting IWT.


Ms. Anne-Aurore Bertrand from Wildlife Justice Commission (WJC) will explain the role of this non-profit organization, operating from the Hague, the Netherlands, in disrupting and helping to dismantle the networks that support wildlife trafficking.


The WJC undertakes undercover, intelligence-driven investigations, with a goal of presenting verifiable, first-hand evidence of wildlife crimes to national governments and law enforcement agencies for action. It identifies high-level trafficking suspects through intelligence analysis and share intelligence with governments, to enable more effective enforcement against wildlife trafficking. One of the defining features of the WJC that will be presented during this event is the work of the Intelligence development unit.


Please Note:
*only active ACAMS members in Netherlands will receive the credit upon attendance of the entire event