ACAMS Alabama Chapter October 2023 Event: 2023 SAR Seminar

ACAMS Credits
This seminar will cover current BSA/AML issues and look at recent successes where financial crimes were identified and prosecuted through the effective use of SARs. This seminar is for individuals in the law enforcement and financial services industries who monitor for SAR-related activity. The main objective is to provide useful information to financial services representatives while strengthening the relationships between the AML and law enforcement communities through presentations and networking with industry peers, law enforcement, government officials, and private sector employees throughout the state.
Registration & Networking Opens: 8AM-830AM
Presentations Start: 830AM
Presentation Ends: 445PM
Close of event: 445PM
Networking Hour: none
Trussville Civic Center, 5381 Trussville Clay Road, Trussville AL 35173
Venue capacity: 350
Welcome / Overview / Housekeeping from AL ACAMS Co-Chairs
Task Force KleptoCapture: DOJ’s Efforts to Enforce Sanctions & Export Restrictions Against Russia
The United States v. Green: A Case Study in Check Fraud
Pig Butchering
A COVID-19 Fraud Update: National and Local Efforts to Hold Pandemic Fraudsters Accountable
Back (and) to The Future Parts 1 and 2: (1)The Historical Use of SARs in Public Corruption Investigations and (2) When Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Meets BSA/AML
ACAMS Chapter Industry Experts Panel Discussion: Issues we have seen with Regulators, Violations and Penalties and what we see as AML Compliance Challenges in 2024.
4 ACAMS Credits
*ACAMS Members - in order to receive ACAMS credits for this event, please sign up with the same email address used with your Member profile