ACAMS Barbados Chapter October Virtual Event: “The Alphabet Gods” – To list or not to list?

octobre 22, 2020
12:30PM - 1:30PM ET
1 ACAMS Credit


Join our host and our panellists as we provide an in-depth analysis of what you need to know about the Blacklists and Grey-lists, the impact of being listed and what the Financial Action Task Force and the European Union mean when they talk about weak anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regimes.

We’ll provide practical approaches regarding what each compliance professional can do to contribute to their country’s speedy removal from a Blacklist and Grey-list. It’s not as difficult as you think. Case studies will be explored of the all-hands-on-deck approach which has been used successfully in two of our regional jurisdictions. Join us in discovering what we can do to find favour with the “Alphabet Gods”.


1 ACAMS Credit


**Please note that ACAMS credit for this virtual event is available to members of the Chapter only.