Consistent with the mission of ACAMS, the ACAMS Japan Chapter aims to contribute to the enhancement of the knowledge, skills and experience of professionals committed to ending financial crime, including AML/CFT, and related activities in various industries, and to foster a strong culture of compliance.
The objectives of chapter activities are to foster networking among professionals, to provide a local forum for discussion of national and international issues and to help members learn from their peers and other experts on how best to safeguard their institutions from financial and reputational harm. This includes, but is not limited to, the implementation of a risk-based approach to AML/CFT policies and procedures, the development of a top-down compliance culture, and training on the evolving typologies and risks of financial crime.
ACAMS JAPANチャプターは、ACAMSのミッションと整合的な形で、様々な業界におけるAML/CFTをはじめとする金融犯罪対策、そしてその関連する業務に従事する専門家の知識、スキル、経験の向上に資すること、そしてより高い水準の金融犯罪コンプライアンス文化を醸成することを活動の目的としています。主には、専門家のネットワーク構築を育み、日本国内および日本をとりまく国際的な問題を議論し、問題解決にむけた取組等を共有する場としてのローカル・フォーラムを提供します。
Upcoming Events
Japan Chapter February 2025 Event
Upcoming Japan Chapter learning events will be announced soon.