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Apply to become an official ACAMS partner.

Working Together to Train AFC Professionals

Together with our partners, ACAMS is training an international community of anti-financial crime experts. We work with partners to reach professionals across the globe and give them the skills they need to effectively prevent financial crime. 


We offer two types of partnership:

Training partner

Training partners conduct live training (usually in-person), in their respective territories. 

Referral partner

Referral Partners refer qualified candidates who are interested in training with ACAMS in their respective territories.

Why Become an ACAMS Partner?

Stand-Out From Competitors

Associating with ACAMS strengthens your brand in the eyes of customers and sets you apart from your competitors. ACAMS has strict criteria for our partners; becoming an ACAMS partner distinguishes you as a high quality, reputable training provider. 

Expand Your Business

ACAMS products are in demand from anti-financial crime professionals globally. As an approved training partner, you can tap into the demand for ACAMS’ training and certifications in your region, enabling you to expand your customer base and grow your business.  

Build Your Network

The ACAMS community unites AFC professionals around the world. As a partner, you can attend our regional and international events, where you can network with hundreds of potential prospects.  

Making the Most of Our Partnership 

We’re committed to helping you get the best out of your partnership with ACAMS. Partners can access our dedicated partner portal, where you’ll find resources to help you market ACAMS training to your prospects. The portal includes our partnership process outlines, how-to guides, and white-labelled marketing materials. 



Approved Partners

2gether d.o.o.

Accoliance Logo

Accoliance Consultants

Africa Verify Logo


Akademie Heidelberg Logo

Akademie Heidelberg

Al Jonah Training Centre Logo

Al Jonah Training Centre

Allied Compliance Consultants “ACC” Logo

Allied Compliance Consultants “ACC”

ABA logo

The Association of Multiple Banks of the Dominican Republic (ABA)

AZ International Logo

AZ International


Baker Tilly Kuwait

Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE) Logo

Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE)


China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)


Claritas Compliance

Compliance Caribbean Logo

Compliance Caribbean

Compliance Institute Logo

Compliance Institute, Nigeria (CIN)

Developers for Training and Consultancy (DTC) Logo

Developers for Training and Consultancy (DTC)

eConnective Logo


Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies (EIBFS) Logo

Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies (EIBFS)

Enterprise Risk Management Institute (ERMI) Logo

Enterprise Risk Management Institute (ERMI)

The European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF) Logo

The European Institute of Management and Finance (EIMF)


Executive Master of Arts in Financial Integrity

Finance Latvia Association Logo

Finance Latvia Association

Firebrand logo




Institute of Banking Studies Logo

Institute of Banking Studies



J&A Global Compliance

J&A Global Compliance

LEORON Institute

LEORON Institute

Macau Institute of Financial Services (Macau IFS) Logo

Macau Institute of Financial Services (Macau IFS)

Macau Anti-Money Laundering Specialists Association (MAMLSA)

Macau Anti-Money Laundering Specialists Association (MAMLSA)

The Malta Institute of Management Logo

The Malta Institute of Management


MCB Institute of Finance

Middle Tennessee State University

Middle Tennessee State University


National Internet Finance Association of China (NIFA)

Oriental Guozhi (Beijing) logo

Oriental Guozhi (Beijing) International Education Technology Co., Ltd


Riga Business School (RBS)

Risk Smart Professional logo

Risk Smart Professional L.L.C

Salaam Center

Salaam Center

Scuola Italiana Antiriciclaggio and Compliance logo

Scuola Italiana Antiriciclaggio & Compliance

Smith and Bolton

Smith and Bolton Limited


Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF), Taiwan


Temple Group

Yemen Institute of Banking Studies Logo

Yemen Institute of Banking Studies

Yu Jian Regtech

Yu Jian Regtech

Get in Touch

For more information about partnerships, or to apply to become an official ACAMS partner, please fill in the form below. 

Phone Number