San Diego - Baja California Chapter


    The Chapter’s role is to provide specialized support, guidance and education to BSA/AML/ professionals in the greater San Diego and Baja California area in an effort to create a network of knowledgeable, motivated and proficient BSA/AML experts.

    To join as a chapter member, you must have an active ACAMS membership.

    Not yet an ACAMS member? Join us here

    San Diego- Baja California Chapter Board (left to right) Peter Alvarado, Co- Membership & Communications Director; Natalie Soto, Events & Programming Director; Karen Geno, Secretary & Treasurer; Melissa Triplett, Co-Chair; Terry Jones, Chair; Maria Alvarez, Co-Events & Programming Director; Justin Hardin, Membership & Communications Director (this was taken at the 2nd Annual Financial Crimes Forum)


    Upcoming Events

    Additional Upcoming San Diego – Baja California Chapter learning events will be announced soon.

    Past Events

    Kontakt Chapter

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