ACAMS Greater Omaha Chapter February 2024 Virtual Event: Considerations for FinTech and Bank Sponsorships
February 27, 2024
10:00AM - 11:00AM
ACAMS Credit

ACAMS Credit
We will explore how both Banks and Fintechs can approach and effectively manage financial crime risk in a shared ecosystem. Specifically, we will discuss the foundational financial crime program elements that a FinTech should build or enhance and also explore how a Bank’s financial crime program can adapt or expand to meet the additional expectations of managing FinTech originated relationships. We will include our shared experiences from both industry and consulting as part of our discussion.
- Identify which Bank AML Program elements require adaptation or enhancement when partnering with Third Parties or FinTech’s and learn how to adapt those program elements
- Understand how Banks and FinTechs must partner specifically on CIP and CDD obligations to effectively manage financial crime risk
- Identify and understand required FinTech AML Program elements when approaching or managing a banking relationship
Introducing Chapter Board Member
1 ACAMS Credit for Chapter Members.