Note: This event will be held in the Dutch language
The Dutch National Risk Assessment 2020 (NRA) indicates (again) that offshore constructions are a risk that requires utmost attention from financial institutions. As Dutch financial institutions face the challenges of implementing NRA results in the compliance framework, it is important to learn more about indicators and red flags to detect corruption and to get a better understanding on how offshore constructions are used in recent corruption scandals.
In recent corruption scandals, like the case of Isabel dos Santos and the recent case of IHC (the Dutch shipbuilder), we saw offshore constructions that are used to conceal money flows originated by the briber and designated to the bribed.
Our key speaker Mr. van Koningsveld is a well-known national expert on use of offshore constructions and recently has investigated the corruption scandal of the IHC for the Financieel Dagblad. Mr. van Koningsveld was also part of the guidance committee to NRA.
The webinar will be to-the-point with enough time for questions
The webinar is sponsored by Offshore Kenniscentrum (OKCNL), a Dutch knowledge centre that focuses on research, training and investigations of offshore constructions in relation with (tax) fraud, corruption and money laundering.
Please Note:
*only active ACAMS members in the Netherlands will receive the 1 ACAMS Credit upon attendance of the entire event
*only active ACAMS members in the Netherlands will receive the 1 ACAMS Credit upon attendance of the entire event