Ending Illegal Wildlife Trade – A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement Hero Banner

Ending Illegal Wildlife Trade – A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement

Course format: self-paced online

    Ending Illegal Wildlife Trade: Course Overview

    This course enables law enforcement professionals to take a practical approach to the prevention of wildlife crime. The online training will equip you with the tools necessary to counter wildlife trafficking, with a focus on wildlife trafficking and money laundering techniques, intelligence-led investigations, and case management.


    This course will help you:

    • Understand the challenges of investigating wildlife crime
    • Outline the intelligence cycle and sources of intelligence
    • Understand law enforcement considerations when a case commences
    • Implement different investigative techniques and methodologies in your day-to-day work
    • Respond to a law enforcement follow-up request relating to an STR/SAR
    Learning Points


    Ending Illegal Wildlife Trade – A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement
    US$ 0,00

    A practical course designed for law enforcement professionals investigating and disrupting illegal wildlife trade.  


    Please note, you will receive an email confirmation with access to this course within 24 hours of completing registration.

    Who is this course for?

    • Law enforcement
    • Crime investigators
    • Police intelligence
    • Public sector officials
    • FIUs in private sector banks
    • Those who completed part one of our IWT course

    Depending on your existing knowledge, this course may require you to take additional study in illegal wildlife typologies, know your customer (KYC), customer due diligence (CDD), enhanced due diligence (EDD), anti-money laundering investigations, and transactional monitoring.

    Intended Audience
    Course Structure

    Course structure:

    • Wildlife crime course online, accessible from desktop or mobile (and most other devices)
    • Self-paced
    • Approximately one hour of coursework
    • Five-question assessment
    • Digital certificate and one ACAMS credit awarded on competition

    ACAMS Social Impact Certificates

    ACAMS social impact certificates help professionals learn how to investigate and stop wildlife trafficking, modern slavery, and human trafficking. Our two prevention of wildlife trafficking courses, and both our anti-modern slavery and human trafficking courses, are offered free of charge to our global community as part of our mission. You can find links to the other certificates in this series below: