AFC in Practice: Building a Comprehensive Solution to Resolving Alert Backlogs Recorded Online 2 ACAMS Credits 今すぐ登録 2 ACAMS クレジット Overview This webinar delves into the problem of alert backlogs, looking at remediation activities and regulatory concerns. Learning Objectives Analyzing industry statistics and recent enforcement actions highlighting inherent weaknesses that lead to alert backlogs Identifying key factors that contribute to the accumulation of alert backlogs Assessing remediation costs and regulatory implications of alert backlogs Pricing エンタープライズおよびプレミアムウェビナーのサブスクリプションが含まれています Included ACAMS会員 $245.00 非会員 $445.00 今すぐ登録 Moderator Dr. William Scott Grob, CAMS-FCI, CGSS Director - Research and Analysis ACAMS Co-Moderator Stephanie Clark, CAMS AFC Associate, Thought Leadership ACAMS Speakers Nicolas Khouri, CAMS Deputy AML Officer Ally Bank Ali Moghaddam, CAMS Chief Risk Officer (CRO) City National Bank of Florida Who Should Attend? AFC Professionals Project Managers Topics Internal Audit Systems Transaction Monitoring Skill Area FinTechs Industry Financial Institutions Private Banking Region United States Level Intermediate