ACAMS Netherlands Chapter: How to integrate ESG in your existing AML/CFT Compliance Framework?

The ACAMS Netherlands Chapter will host a webinar on integrating ESG controls into existing AML/CFT Compliance Frameworks.
The Financial Times (Financiële Dagblad) investigative reporter Johan Leupen will kick off the event by elaborating on conflicting demands within the ESG arena:
- A mission to empower entrepreneurs in developing countries versus complying with the latest AML/CTF standards.
- Doing good for the world versus doing business (tax) efficient. Johan will talk the audience through the Agua Zarca-case, whereby failing KYC controls resulted in ESG violations.
Johan Leupen is an investigative reporter specialised in AML/CFT and worked on, amongst others, the largest collaborative journalistic effort to date (the Pandora Papers) and the largest leaks in the banking history (the FinCen Files).
Marco Frikkee and Serap Tutkun of KPMG will elaborate on how to implement an ESG framework within existing KYC processes. In addition, they will explain how the increased focus on ESG could also be beneficial for an effective compliance organization. Marco is a partner in the KPMG sustainability team, which supports clients in integrating ESG in their operations. Serap works for the KPMG forensic team, which supports clients in establishing effective compliance organizations.

Opening and Closing Remarks
1 ACAMS Credit *only active ACAMS members in Netherlands will receive the 1 ACAMS Credit upon attendance of the entire event