Nassos Paltayian is in charge of the Compliance and Risk Management Team. Tasks include Internal processes and manuals maintenance according to regulations and laws, training of colleagues on AML matters, sanctions related issues and management, FATCA US and CRS related matters, review of all information for acceptance of new clients, internal Auditors liaison, ISO 27001 liaison and in charge of implementation, Representative of Abacus on ICPAC AML committee, Representative of Abacus on CFA AML committee, leader of module 7 (DNFBPs) of the National Risk Assessment representing ICPAC.
Professional career: 2005 –2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Nicosia (Auditor in Financial Services sector), 2009 –2013 Abacus Limited (Client portfolio manager), 2014 –today Abacus Limited (Head of Compliance).
Academic and professional qualifications/memberships: The English School Nicosia leaver (2000), National Guard–Special Forces (2002), BA Accounting and Finance (2005), ICAEW member (2008), ICPAC member (2009), ACAMS member (2014), CAMS certified (2015).