Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is an emerging typology that is only starting to be discussed within the AML community but is already prevalently utilized by transnational criminal organizations. This learning event will focus on elevating education and awareness of this threat by providing practical and tactical advice for financial crime investigators and AML programs alike. We will dive into what ORC is, what it is not, KYC and transactional red flags of each party involved within this scheme, SAR form considerations, case studies, programmatic detective and proactive measures, and how to get involved with private/public partnerships.
Registration Opens : 4:00 pm ET
Presentation Start : 5:00 pm ET
Presentation Ends : 6:15 pm ET
Close of event: 6:30 pm ET
Networking Hour: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm ET
KeyBank, Operations Center
4910 Tiedeman Rd.
Cleveland, Oh 44144
Venue capacity: 120
KeyBank Operations Centre main entrance on building 4910. Parking is available in the lot in front of the 4910 building.