ACAMS Nordics Chapter June 2024 Virtual Event: Organized Financial Crime in the Nordics - Tax Authority Perspectives on ML/TF

ACAMS Credit
Join the ACAMS Nordics Chapter webinar for an exclusive, Nordic, view on current AML/CFT issues.
Join us for an insightful webinar featuring esteemed representatives from the Danish and Swedish Tax Agencies. Like many obliged entities and private enterprises, both Agencies have increased their focus on AML/CFT in recent years and, to this end, have designated AML/CFT efforts to discover and prevent ML/TF within reach of the agencies’ respective mandates. The webinar will cover such general efforts, as well as what the agencies have found are specific recent modi operandi of organized crime in the region, providing a unique and important perspective on the joint field of all ACAMS members in the region. With the Tax Authorities’ resources, insight, and position in the financial system, their representatives are arguably among the most well-positioned to uncover and provide details on organized crime. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from the forefront of AML/CFT efforts in the Nordics.
1 ACAMS Credit for active ACAMS members based in the countries of the Nordics Chapter (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland), subject to webinar completion.