ACAMS Netherlands Chapter: How the Dutch courts interpret AML regulations in practice - recent cases

ACAMS Credit
It is a known fact that AML regulations, including the Dutch AML Act (Wwft), contains norms open for interpretations, and it is often difficult to determine which measures are sufficiently adequate to be fully compliant with the set rules. Although the various guidelines issued by, among others, the Ministry of Finance and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), provide useful input, often no conclusive answers can be found in there. Ultimately, it is the judiciary who decides how the legal AML provisions should be interpreted.
This webinar will address the selection of recent Dutch court cases, which provide important lessons-learn for the (AML) compliance within the financial services companies.
The European Banking Authority calls for input to understand the impact of de-risking on financial institutions and customers, and this matter will also be addressed during the webinar.
The webinar will be to-the-point with enough time for questions. The aim of the seminar is to create a better understanding of how AML cases are viewed by the Dutch courts and how this relates to compliance within your organisation with regard to AML solutions and procedures.
The webinar is sponsored by Eurius, a Dutch law firm that specialises in financial law. The key speaker Mr. Andries Doets, who has extensive experience in advising and litigating on AML matters.
1 ACAMS credit
*only active ACAMS members in the Netherlands will receive the 1 ACAMS Credit upon attendance of the entire event