ACAMS US Capital Chapter May 2024 Virtual Event: Bureau of Industry & Security Export Enforcement

ACAMS Credit
BIS Export Enforcement is a law enforcement agency with criminal investigators, enforcement analysts, and compliance specialists focused on export and antiboycott enforcement. BIS Export Enforcement’s mission is to protect and promote U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic interests by: investigating export and antiboycott violations; interdicting illegal exports; conducting end-use checks; assisting parties to understand and comply with the antiboycott regulations; helping companies to improve export compliance practices and to identify suspicious inquiries; supporting the licensing process by evaluating the bona fides of transaction parties; aggressively pursuing violators of export control and antiboycott regulations and initiating criminal prosecution or administrative enforcement actions; promoting U.S. strategic technology leadership; and partnering with counterparts throughout the U.S. government.
During this webinar participants will hear about the role of BIS in export enforcement, trends in enforcement actions, partnership across government agencies, and their industry outreach program.
1 ACAMS Credit
Please note that CAMS credit for this virtual event is available to members of the Chapter only.