ACAMS Switzerland Chapter Jan 2024 Virtual Event: Frédéric Pierucci’s “American Trap”: Understand the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) Enforcement Actions

ACAMS Credit
The ACAMS Switzerland Chapter is thrilled to present a forthcoming webinar featuring Frederic Pierucci, a former Alstom Executive who personally experienced the far-reaching impact of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), particularly its principle of extraterritoriality. In his book, "The American Trap," Pierucci recounts his extraordinary and harrowing journey.
This event will offer valuable insights into the FCPA, as well as fundamental concepts surrounding corruption, bribery, and extraterritorial jurisdiction. The primary goal is to create an engaging learning experience that emphasizes a deep understanding of these critical elements within anti-corruption regulations and their effects on individuals' lives. Attendees can anticipate an enriching educational session, providing professionals with essential knowledge to navigate the intricate realm of international business while remaining compliant with anti-corruption laws.
Moreover, the session will underscore the weight and influence of the Department of Justice (DoJ), acknowledging its intimidating presence in the global regulatory landscape.
1 ACAMS Credit for active ACAMS members in Switzerland, subject to webinar completion.