In the current state of global affairs, the prevalence and scope of economic sanctions is reaching unprecedented levels –and escalating on a nearly daily basis. While governments’ use of sanction to exert extraterritorial influence is not new, the latest pace and scale of sanctions-acceleration makes it crucial for compliance programs to respond and adapt efficiently. The ACAMS Ireland Chapter is excited to host its latest virtual-event focusing on how financial institutions can succeed in this dynamic and evolving environment.
Join our webinar to gain an understanding of global efforts and what financial institutions can do to prepare for the challenges ahead –potential spikes in alerts, increased propensity for capital flight, understand the socio-economic impacts to transnational commerce, and an expedited convergence of compliance issues with other risk-areas such as cybersecurity. Our panel of sanctions experts will share insights on the foreign policy considerations influencing decisions on the type of sanctions launched, ways to enhance controls to maximize compliance with sanctions, and understanding how both global and local business activities could be impacted. Register today and stay tuned for additional topics as we keep an eye on the myriad of emerging issues.