In Southeast Asia, organized crime syndicates have trafficked hundreds of thousands of individuals into heavily guarded compounds, where they are coerced into conducting scams under the threat of violence. It is estimated that across the region, hundreds of thousands of children, women, and men are enslaved in these forced online scamming operations. In Cambodia and Myanmar alone, at least 220,000 victims are trapped in such conditions. Join industry experts as they discuss these scam compounds, explore related typologies, delve into the workings of criminal networks, and examine how banks can contribute to addressing this pressing issue.
Registration opens: 5:30 pm
Presentation starts: 6.00 pm
Presentation ends: 7.00 pm followed by networking drinks
Event ends: 8.00 pm
WongPartnership LLP
Seminar Room
12 Marina Boulevard, Level 28
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3
Singapore 018982
Registration required at MBFC Tower 3, 1st Floor Lobby, Reception.