Eurasia Chapter


    Launched in June 2021 with the support of the EBRD, the ACAMS Eurasia Chapter brings together board members located in 7 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine, which ensures a good member representation across the whole Eurasia region.


    The ACAMS Eurasia Chapter is an important part of the ACAMS Community and it plans to:



    1. Provide a platform for continuous development and networking among AFC and Sanctions professionals in the region;
    2. Bring relevant content to the AFC community in the 7 countries represented, by sharing knowledge and expertise through regular meetings and events, held in the local languages;
    3. Encourage participation from everyone in the anti-financial crime community to share professional experience and best practices, from both public and private sectors, from banks and fintechs, to payments solution provider and all other actors in the financial industry exposed to money-laundering risks;
    4. Focus and augment ACAMS’ overall anti-financial crime education and training efforts;



    Follow the ACAMS Eurasia Chapter on LinkedIn



    Upcoming Events

    Upcoming Eurasia Chapter learning events will be announced soon.



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