Moderated by Blue Ridge Bank’s OFAC Officer Hunter Kreger, this in-person event will host various subject matter experts to discuss trends, patterns, and good-to-know-info on evasion techniques used to evade sanctions. This session is sure to provide you with those key elements that will enhance your knowledge for modelling and Investigation purposes. Located at Boulders Community Resource Center in Richmond, VA.
Registration Opens: 9am
Presentations Start: 9:30am
Presentation Ends: 11am
Networking and Overview of Future Events: 11-11:30am
Virginia Credit Union
Boulders Community Resource Center
7500 Boulder View Drive
Richmond, VA 23225
Each attendee must sign-in and out with the Security Guard and will be issued a badge for the session that must be worn at all times on the premises and returned before leaving. A government ID is initially required.
Please note: Registration will shut down 2 days prior to the event.