Financial Crime Risks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities in FinTechs, Payment Firms and E-Money
ACAMS Credits
Investigative journalists and whistleblowers have revealed myriad ways organized crime groups utilize innovations including e-money and third-party payment processors to launder illicit proceeds. A central issue: The AML/CTF control environment at these tech-driven firms. As illustrated by the Wirecard and BTC-e cases, the culture of compliance and AML/CTF controls are sometimes nearly non-existent. This webinar analyzes case studies to illustrate how deficiencies in culture, governance and AML frameworks exacerbate financial crime risks. Panelists will also highlight red flags, typologies and wider threat intelligence that can help counterparties mitigate potential exposure.
This webinar is part of a series. Click on the links below to view the other parts of the webinar series:
Learning Objectives
Analyzing red flags, typologies and other indicators linked to illicit activity
Judging a firm’s compliance culture and open-source media screening
Assisting with setting your risk appetite to ensure uniform risk management protocols across enterprise
Enterprise & Premium Webinar Subscribers
ACAMS Members
BSA/AML Officers
FinTech and Innovation Specialists
Risk Manager
Digital Banking
Financial Crime
Payment Technologies
Risk Assessment
AML Compliance Skills and KYC/CDD
Predicate Crimes and Typologies
Financial Institutions