Thu, 10/01/2020 - 3:00pm-4:00pm
  • Reviewing potential indicators of wildlife trafficking such as activity in high-risk jurisdictions and industries to ensure adequacy of KYC/CDD and ongoing monitoring
  • Analyzing case studies to identify red flags of laundering wildlife trafficking proceeds such as incomplete shipping documents and transactions with no clear business purpose
  • Training staff on laws and guidance from FATF and NGOs to enhance awareness of risks and effective methods to escalate and resolve red flags



Dr. William Scott Grob, CGSS, CAMS-FCI
AML Director - Americas


Crawford Allan
US Senior Director
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and TRAFFIC

Theresa M. Forbes
Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Deptment of  the Treasury

Marcy Forman, CAMS, CGSS
Managing Director, Global Investigations Unit, AML Compliance