Wed, 11/25/2020 - 9:30am-10:45am
  • Examining FATF priorities and industry guidance to establish best practices and meet evolving regulatory expectations
  • Evaluating the latest FATF mutual evaluations for immediate outcomes (IO) assessment and remedial actions
  • Surveying new and upcoming regulatory changes that may impact AML programs in the region
  • Building an industry response to the emergent Illicit Wildlife Trade (IWT) issues


Joyce Hsu, CAMS-FCI, AML Director – North Asia, ACAMS

Speakers | 讲者|講者:

Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, VP & Global Head of Business Development & New Ventures | Senior Asia Pacific Leader, ACAMS

Catherine Dan Li, CAMS, Director, Macau Anti-Money Laundering Specialists Association

Ling Xu, Director, TRAFFIC China