ACAMS South Florida Chapter November 2023 Virtual Event: Covid-19 / Pandemic-related Fraud & Financial Crime
November 13, 2023
4:00PM - 5:00PM EST
ACAMS Credits

ACAMS Credits
The Small Business Administration (SBA) provided almost $1.5 trillion through four Pandemic Relief programs to help over 12 million small businesses, contractors, and gig workers. The biggest of these programs – the $800 billion Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP – has incurred fraud at a rate that exceeds 10%, and the US Department of Justice has charged thousands of individuals and is investigating many more.
Our expert panel will discuss the massive financial crime and fraud that emerged from the pandemic relief programs. Speakers will discuss the GAO’s recent report on Covid relief fraud including fraud schemes and indicators in SBA Pandemic Programs, including notable cases involving South Florida.
Introducing Chapter Board Member